I was looking at kijij in my area yesterday and was reading an add for a 301, in the add it said that you could drop the feed dogs on the machine which allowed you to do embroidery or free hand quilting. Looked up on the net and found that my 15-91 can also drop its feed dogs. A quick call to the local Singer store and they sell the embroidery foot for 19.99.
Such a little thing but what a world it opens up. My problem with quilting has always been quilting the quilt as I have always done it by hand, which takes months to do. After getting home I pulled out a miniature quilt that I had made last year but never quilted, and sat down with my 15-91 and had some fun. I love this machine it is so reliable and everything just always seems to go so smoothly with it. I used black thread on the piece as I wanted to see the quilting.
I love the way it turned out, now I need to bind it, and then I want to finish the very first quilt top I made quilting it on the machine.
Won't probably get a lot done today, as hubby and I have to do groceries, and then I want to check out the other singer machines I have sitting on the front gallery, as today is garbage day.