My third post today. I'm feeling great today. Spring is in the air. Ok we still have snow on the ground and they are calling for more flurries this weekend, but the temperature is just around freezing so it could be either snow or rain. It's April which means any snow we get will not last. I got into a crocheting mood last week and decided it was time for one of my Baby Face dolls to have a new outfit. If you are not familiar with the Baby Face doll just do a search on google and you will find them. They are one of my favorite dolls they were made by the same makers that made the cabbage patch dolls. They were only released in 1990 and 1991 and they have different faces showing different moods. Like so sorry Sarah, so happy Heide and so on. There are not many patterns for clothes for these dolls, there are some sewing patterns for them but I'm not good at sewing clothes. I picked up my crochet cotton and decided to see what I cold make. Here is her first outfit.

Then I decided she needed a St Patrick days outfit, so out came my green crochet cotton.
I have had this little doll around for awhile and she/he not sure which is a mechanical doll that crawls. She has been sitting around in this ugly outfit for awhile.
Well had to make her an outfit so I got my knitting needles out and followed a pattern I had in one of my books and voila.