Yesterday was another beautiful day here in Montreal. It has been warm for this time of year for over a week now. Its been 20C or 70F and sunny, which is not our normal temperatures for this time of year. I had yesterday off work, as I am back at work at 80% for the next 6 weeks. I ended up in the hospital at the end of August for 8 days with a bacterial leg infection, then I was at home for another 7 days with an intervenses dose of antibiotics. For a good part of Septemebr I was just not interested in doing anything, no sewin, kntting or crocehet or cross stitch, which is not like me at all. A few weeks ago, I was looking through our local Kijiji and there was a sewing machine advertise for sale. Looking closer at the ad I noticed it was about 20 houses away from where I live. I even remember telling my hubby about a garage sale in August that we missed that had a sewing machine adverised. We had driven right past the house but didn't stop becuase we were on our way to the trailer, and had our dogs with us. Well I answered the add and sure enough she still had the sewing machine, I eneded up paying 50.00 for her. I've named her Lizabeth (Lizzy) and I think I am in love with this machine. I plugged her in oiled her and she runs like a charm. I also love the fact that when you open the cabinet, in opens to 2 parts, the one on the left is the longer one, but there is alos about a foot long one on the right. The right side gives me just enough room for my ipod, my scissors and glasses. You don't have to take the bobbin out to wind it. She is set up on the front gallery, which is all windows around, so alot of natural light during the day. The only draw back to it being on the front gallery is that it is not heated. But during the cold weather I'll bring her in, but for now it is such a joy to sit out there and look outside and listen to my music as I sew away.

Oh and Lizzy is a Singer Touch and Sew 750
I've cleaned it up some since this photo was taken, ok ok I straightened the books and through the empty bottle out. Why clean when you can sew.
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