My dad was in WW2, he met my mother while he was doing his basic training here in Montreal.
After the war was over he returned to Montreal to marry my mother. My dad passed away 7 years ago, and I miss him every day. It is difficult to think of him as a young man, heading off to France to fight a war. I know he had to use his brothers birth certificate to enlist as he was under age. I also know that it took him years to forget about the war. When I was young I can remember that we couldn't go and shake my dad to wake hime up, we needed to call his name first. If you shook him to wake him up he would come up swinging, and the war had been over for 15 years then. I'm sure my dad must of seen terrible things during the war, he only told me some of them when he was in his late 70's or early 80's, somehow the war didn't make my dad violent at all, he was a strong man who loved his family.
My father drove this truck during the war, he was in tank reconnaissance.
Tomorrow I will have a post on 2 baby blankets I finished this weekend
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