Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Is it Wednesday or Thursday?

Just past midnight and I'm awake.  My time is all off today, some people we know have gone on vacation, and since I live so close to the airport they park their car in our driveway and we drive them to the airport.  The only bad thing about it is that they had to be at the airport for 4:00am, so what do you do stay up or get up at 3:30 in the morning?  I chose to stay up and went to bet at 4:30 in the morning. 
I've done quite a bit of sewing and crafts this past few weeks as I am only working 1 day a week for awhile.  Here is a picture of that ufo I finished for hubby

I use to make lots of these sweaters years ago.  I love knitting in the round.

I also filled the pin bottles and they sit right beside my machine, they are very handy,
Here is a pillow made with left over blocks I had
I  finished another baby blanket, Still love these quilts, as I just cut the small pieces I have left over.
My sewing machine needed a cover so made it this one.

Well that's all for tonight!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Gout!!! I hate gout attacks.  They happen out of the blue, and usually hit in my left foot.  Most of the time they are not in the big toe, but in the heal or the instep. A week ago one decided to hit my foot, lucky I had a doctor's appointment the morning after it started.  With the gout and some other medical problems the doctor has put me on 80% rest for the next 6 weeks, which means I work one day a week.  The weekend was not very productive in sewing as the foot was just too sore to put on the ground, but Monday and Tuesday I had alot of enjoyment cuting, sewing, pressing and sewing. I'm currently working on 3 different quilts that are all over my sewing machine.  One a baby blanket like this one I finished.
I love this quilt pattern it takes 3 differnt sizes of blocks 3 1/2 X 3 1/2 .....4 1/2 x 3 1/2....2 1/2 x 6 1/2.  Which means all of my scraps go into theses size of blocks and then I sew them between doing outher blocks.

This pattern is a baby blanket I made, I used old squares that I had originaly cut out using scissors about 1 1/2 years ago, when I first started quilting. I probably should of thrown them out but instead I re-organized  them and made them into a baby blanket. I even quilted it by machine, a first for me.

I'm also working on a throw size quilt using Bonnie Hunters Scrappy Magestic Mountain pattern, so am cutting out 8 1/2 in cquares and cutting them in 1/2 on the diagonal. Haven't figured out what makes it an up or down mountain, but I'll figure that out. 

I wanted to do some pincushions, and saw somemwhere on the net where someone use mason jars, so I did pin cushions on the tops of 7 mason jars. And now they are at my sewing machine, holding straight pins, safety pins thread and anything else small that I want to keep near at hand.

Anyone that has read any of my blogs or even knows me a little, knows that I am currently on a sewing machine craze.  I love antique sewing machines, the way they look they feel and how they sew.  I love looking through Kijiji at the different ones and sometime will see a nargain I just can't refuse.  Well this Friday looking through Kijij there was an add for an estate sale that was happeing on Friday and Saturday 10:00 - 3:00.  I was able all day Friday to convince myself that I didn't need another machine, and besides that I could hardly walk.  Well I held tough till Saturday at 2:30, then we needed to get a few groceries, so hubby and I head out well the estate sale was only a 5 minute drive from our house I convinced hubby to just swing by and see what they had.  I sent him in to see, he knows the type of machine I like.  He comes out and tells me they have 2 sewing machines, but they want over $150.00 for both.  Well he goes back in, carrting the portable one and says that he got both for $75.00.  Here is the first one, its missing the 2 plates over the bobbin cover, but they can be purchased at the local Singer store.

The second one is a real beauty, will take a better picture later of it.  This picture doesn't have the drawers in it, which I have, they were full of zippers, bindings, and different feet and the button hole maker for the machine.

The only problem with this machine is she weights a ton, the desk must be pure mahogany, and poor hubby had to carry it up from the basement, and put it in the trunk by himself.  I haven't tried it yet, but will use it this weekend I have a baby blanket I started using jean material, but I found it too heavy for my regular sewing machine to sew through 4 layers of denim.  This one should sew through 4 layers af it was nothing.



Monday, November 4, 2013

A Day to Remember

Rememberance day is just a few days off.  It's time to take a few minutes for all of use to think of all the men that have serverd to protect us. 
My dad was in WW2, he met my mother while he was doing his basic training here in Montreal. 

After the war was over he returned to Montreal to marry my mother.  My dad passed away 7 years ago, and I miss him every day.   It is difficult to think of him as a young man, heading off to France to fight a war.  I know he had to use his brothers birth certificate to enlist as he was under age. I also know that it took him years to forget about the war.  When I was young I can remember that we couldn't go and shake my dad to wake hime up, we needed to call his name first.  If you shook him to wake him up he would come up swinging, and the war had been over for 15 years then.  I'm sure my dad must of seen terrible things during the war, he only told me some of them when he was in his late 70's or early 80's, somehow the war didn't make my dad violent at all, he was a strong man who loved his family.
My father drove this truck during the war, he was in tank reconnaissance.

Tomorrow I will have a post on 2 baby blankets I finished this weekend

Friday, November 1, 2013

a windy day

We have a windy day here in Montreal.  Trees down every where and power outages. The wine has been crushed and is in the barrels and bubbling away. Here is a picture of the crates loaded in the van.

Brother and hubby needed to unload them...

I left the work to the men had to do some sewing.  October 31 was the deadline to enter a contest to our fabric store and I needed to get my entry finished and submitted.  Well it took me to the 31st to get it finished.  It needed to be 24 inches by 24 inches. I don't have a chance of winning but it was fun to do.  Here  is my entry..
and the back.....
Now onto the next project.