Sunday, October 19, 2014

September the best month of the year

I love September!!!  cool evenings and warm days.  The second week in September is a busy week.  All  the vegetables are in and it's time to close up the trailer.  The problem with closing the trailer is that it all has to be done in one weekend, so everything has to be put away and the pipes blown out electricity turned off and closed up till next year.  So we go from

to this....

Then home  to  freeze vegetables 20 lbs of carrots 15 of turnips 4 bags of beans and a dozen corn.

 Do I need to do this amount anymore, as there is just me and hubby?   It's like I have no choice, my dad and I did this all the time when he was alive.  He was a farmer at heart that moved to the big city when he married my mother in 1946.  Growing up there was 8 of us in the house me, 4 brothers (6,7,8 years older than me) and my mother's parents.  We had 2 huge freezers in the basement and a pantry always stocked.  I am my father's daughter, I have been able to cut down to 2 small freezers.

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